farezah had a 2 days training at the BerjayaTimesSquare. since she overnight at TMs place, i offer her a ride lah.. alasan nak jumpa kan? boleh jugak gosip2 melepas rindu... hik hik hik...
anyways, dia dapat this note pad thingy habis training nya itu...
lepas perli dia lebih kurang kata dat thing will be very usefull for her keterlupaan yg dh pun mencapai tahap piawai yg amatlah melampau... dia marah2 sayang pun, open the thing...
my oh my... nak clear stock pun, jgn lah obvious sangat kan? atleast tear off la dulu 2007 punyer calendar itu...
p/s: i asked farezah, its about RM1K ++ p/person for that training and u only get a 2007 calendar. hahahaha!
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