we decided to also celebrate Farezah's 28th birthday.
so, shifa grabbed a slice of cake for her and i'll be fetching both farezah & eton and jumpa str8 kat 32.
mas texted saying that she'll be joining a lil bit late. its a big yay lah kan? hw we wish shida will be able to join too.
i borrowed a lighter from one of the staff there. nama pun regular kat situ.. pantang mintak apa skets, sumenya berebut nak kasik... :)
siap wish aku bagai... last2 selamba je aku jawab.. "not my birthday, the other one's birthday" (sambil tunjuk kat farezah).

so, we all pun nyanyi lah... malu jugak la farezah... tapi, who cares right? :P
then, sambung borak sementara tunggu mas.
apa topic hangat?
harusla experience shifa jadik isteri and her wonderful journey time honeymoon...
she showed us very very beautiful pictures of her honeymoon....
thnks to Album-T... :)
ni muka2 yg khusyuk dengar shifa bercerita..

ok, lepas mas sampai...
makin gamat la we all.... biasala bukan senang we all nak berkumpul like this...

this is Eileen... besar nanti, lawa budak nih... tgk la mata dia yg besar & bulat tuh...
geram! tapi cian dia.. dia demam semalam... berair je mata dia.. layu jer..
get well soon ye Eileen!

ha.. ni pulak, mas's lil champ, Aimier... dia ni suka betul tenung shifa sampai cair lah aunty shifa dia...
ehem ehem.. tenung ada makna ke Aimier? jeng jeng jeng...
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