temankan shifa pegi Nilai3... panas nya subhanallah.. but, a good company will always buatkan u terlupa lah of the heat & etc... :)
i love my babes!
i love my babes!
shifa, farezah & eton gve me my belated birthday present. I love it so much.. thnks babes!
look at it.. its yellow, its sunflower and it has a special note "frenz 4 eva"... muahs! maceh korang....
first sekali singgah kat Nilai Square dulu. ingtkan sama murah ngan Nilai3. sekali kedai riben nya ada satu jer. dh la one & only, berlagak pulak tuh.nak mintak kurang 10cent pun tak dapat. last2 we all ke kedai kain. murah nya... nak mampos! :P eton bought one for shifa's nikah. here are some pics taken in the kedai.
lepas dh membeli kain2 itu... gerak lah kami ke Nilai3. more stories & activities there can be read here... blog Reality
my fav flower & color... canteks!
lepas dh settle with all the shoppings & etc, we all pun balik. shifa decided all of us have lunch dulu kat Jaya32's Old Town Kopitiam. i had meehoon curry. sedap & highly recommended.
ha...ni lagi satu yg sedap..shifa nya order. kaya & butter thick toast. tgk rupa pun dh tau sedap kan? rasanya pun mmg sedap!
dah settle makan, off we go to shifa's crib. as for our 1st task, we all kena cari pairing for the mengkuang yg shifa dah bought earlier with esa @ air itam, johor. sampai terlunjur2 kaki lah... hehehehehehe...
and finally the outcome. but, i will try to add some ribbons kat kiri kanan yg kosong tuh. like esa's suggestion. tp, lom buat lagi. nanti dh buat nak tunjuk kat shifa... :)
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